Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung

Vortrag am Donnerstag, 02.05.2024, um 14:15 Uhr, Raum c311, Hauptgebäude der Universität; Jan Philipp Thiele, WIAS Berlin; Code and perish?! How about publishing your software (and data)?

Code and perish?! How about publishing your software (and data)?

Software and Data are important cornerstones in modern scientific research that are of significant importance throughout applied mathematics. Reproducibility and good scientific practices are improved by sharing your codes and data in an open fashion and by giving credit and proper reference to the software used during simulations.

In this talk we will present how both citing and publishing software can be done depending on the type of software, which can range from simple analysis scripts to large software libraries.
In addition we will discuss how WIAS handles development of software, based on the application classes described in the Guidlines of the DLR Software Engineering Initiative.

Finally, we will have a look at Zenodo as a platform for openly sharing data and is also suited to publish and archive specific versions of your software to increase reusability.